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Organization Profile

American Pakistan Foundation

The APF Mentorship and Internship Program is seeking mentors and/or internship hosts based anywhere in the U.S. to help empower the next generation of Americans. We invite you to give back by joining our online portal as a mentor and/or internship host here: This program is open to people of all personal and professional backgrounds. Mentors will have the opportunity to help provide career-oriented guidance to students and young professionals. Additionally, internship hosts can provide opportunities to help ambitious youth gain valuable experience and skills. APF is recruiting professionals with at least five years of experience in a variety of fields, including but not limited to, entrepreneurship, business, energy, finance, healthcare, medicine, hospitality, tourism, law, journalism, communications, media, marketing, academia, technology, government, visual and performance art, publishing, real estate, architecture, construction, accounting, engineering, science, non-profit, development, agriculture, writing, manufacturing, and civil service.

Civic & Community
Washington DC, DC, 20009

Common Messages